

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Links to fellow Astro-Sketcher sites and blogs, and other astro-sketching resources

Hello all,

I've added a new links gadget to my site in the right hand side margin - Sites and Blogs of fellow astr-sketchers and other astro-sketching resources.  It is dedicated to the websites and blogs of fellow astro-sketchers and other astro-sketching resources.

I've started on a journey to find as many fellow astro-sketchers, and add their sites to the listing.  Different artists use different media, some pencil and paper, others soft pastels and black paper like myself, others work with digital processes, and many other different materials and media.  Astro-sketching though a very small niche, there is a wide variety of media, materials and techniques being used.  By adding the sites of as many astro-sketchers as I can, I aim to give exposure to all the different ways people illustrate and fulfill their passion for astronomy and sketching in its many forms.

There are a few people who cannot view into their telescopes due to physical limitations, so they use electronically assisted methods, such as video astronomy, to produce an image on a monitor, and they then make a sketch of what they see on the monitor.  Technology now provides a means of allowing a wider audience to participate in astronomy, and gives them tools by which to facilitate their own passions within astronomy and art that prior to this technology being available these people had no way of doing so.  Marvelous stuff!

If you know of a site that I have not listed, PLEASE let me know of it!

Please explore the work of these fellow astro-sketchers.  They all offer a different take on their art, different experiences and different approaches.


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